Text Marketing

Did you know

Americans check their phones over 352 times a day! 

 So...Doesn't it make sense to put 

"Your Business at Their Fingertips" 

Here's some more facts to help you decide:

> 95% of text messages are opened and responded to, making it a highly effective communication channel for businesses

 > 75% of consumers are open to receiving promotional material via text message, indicating a high level of receptivity to this form of advertising.

> We prioritize fairness and customer choice. That's why we empower your customers to "opt in" and "opt out" of receiving your texts, ensuring that they have control over the messages they receive.

> Text messaging is an efficient and convenient way to get in touch with customer support.

> Customers receive quick responses without having to wait on hold or deal with elevator music.

> It's the perfect solution for staying connected without physical contact, providing a virtual high-five experience.

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Let's put "Your Business at Your Customer's Fingertips"

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